Saturday 4 February 2012

Jain Sadhu and Sadhviji

When a person renounces the worldly life and all the attachments, and is initiated into monkshood or nunhood, the man is called Sadhu, Shraman or Muni and the woman is called Sadhvi, Shramani, or Aryä. Their renunciation is total which means they are completely detached from the social and worldly activities and they do not take any part in those activities anymore. Instead, they spend their time spiritual uplifting their souls and guiding householders such as ourselves how to uplift our souls.
When they get initiated into the life of Sadhus and Sadhvis, they take five major vows and act strictly in accordance with those vows. The five great vows are:
1) Pranatipätaviraman Mahavrat - Vow of absolute Non-violence.
First vow of Pranatipätaviraman Mahavrat means sadhu and sadhvis will never cause harm or violence to any living being including even the tiniest creatures.
2) Mrishavadaviraman Mahävrat - Vow of absolute Truthfulness
Second vow of Mrishavadaviraman Mahävrat means they will not lie.
3) Adattadänaviraman Mahavrat - Vow of absolute Non-stealing
Third vow of Adattadänaviraman Mahavrat means without the permission of the owner they will not take anything from anywhere.
4) Maithunaviraman Mahavrat - Vow of absolute Celibacy
Fourth vow of Maithunaviraman Mahavrat means they have to observe the celibacy with an absolute adherence to it. The sadhu or sadhvis should not even touch a member of the opposite sex regardless of their age.
5) Parigrahaviraman Mahavrat - Vow of absolute Non-attachment.
Fifth vow of Parigrahaviraman Mahavrat means they do not possess anything and do not have any attachment for things they keep for their daily needs.
In summary, while taking these vows, they say, "O Lord Arihant! I will not commit the sins of violence, express falsehood, steal and enjoy sensual pleasures, or be possessive, by speech, thought or deed; nor will I assist or order anyone to commit these sins. I will not approve or endorse anyone committing such sins. Oh Lord! I hereby take a sacred and solemn vow that throughout my life, I will follow these five major vows and strictly follow the code of conduct laid out for a sadhu and a sadhvi."
Therefore, Jain Sadhus and Sadhvis never cause harm or violence to any living being. They live according to the pledge that they do not harm even the tiniest creatures. They always speak the absolute truth. They do not lie on account of fear, desire, anger or deceptive intentions. Without the permission of the owner, they do not take even the smallest thing such as a straw. They observe the vow of celibacy with an absolute adherence to it. They will not touch the members of the opposite sex, even a child. In case the members of the opposite sex either touch them by mistake or in ignorance, they have to undergo the ritual of repentance (Prayashchitta) for self-purification. Jain Sadhus should not keep money with them. They will not own or have any control on any wealth, houses, any such movable or immovable property or organization. They will limit their necessities to the lowest limit and apart from these limits they should not have any attachments.
Some special rules of conduct for sadhus and sadhvis:
The Jain sadhus or sadhvis do not take food or water after the sunset or before sunrise. They wait 48 minutes after the sun-rise before even drinking boiled water. Under any circumstance, they do not eat or drink anything between the hours of sunset and sunrise.
Gochari (Alm): Jain sadhus/sadhvis do not cook their food, do not get it prepared for them, or do not accept any food which was prepared for them. They go to different householders that are Jains or vegetarians and receive a little food from each house. This practice is called Gochari. Just as cows graze the top part of grass moving from place to place, taking a little at one place and a little at another, in the same way Jain Monks and Nuns do not take all the food from one house. They collect it from various houses. The reason Jain Sadhus/sadhvis accept a little food and not all the food from one house is because this way the householders do not have to cook again. The cooking process involves much violence in the form of fire, vegetable chopping, water consumption, etc., and sadhus or sadhvis do not want to be the part of any violence due to their needs. They do not receive food standing outside the house; but they go inside the house where food is cooked or kept. This way they can understand the situation that their accepting food would not make the householders to cook again. They accept food which is within the limit of their vows.
Vihar: They always walk with bare feet. When they travel from one place to another, whatever may be the distance they always go walking. They do not use any vehicle like bullock cart, car, boat, ship or plane for traveling. Whether it is cold weather or scorching sun; whether the road is stony or thorny; whether it is the burning sand of a desert or a burning road, they do not wear any foot-wear at any time. They move about on bare foot all their life. The reason for not wearing shoes is while walking, they can avoid crushing the bugs or insects on the ground. While going places, they preach the religion (Dharma), and provide proper spiritual guidance to people. They do not stay more than a few days in any one place except during the rainy season which is about four months in duration. The sadhus and sadhvis generally do not go out at night. The place where they stay is called Upashray or Paushadh Shala. They may stay in places other than the Upashrayas if those places are suitable to the practice of their disciplined life and if they do not disturb or impede the code of conduct. The reason they do not stay anywhere permanently or for a longer period in one place is to avoid developing attachment for material things and the people around them.
Loch: The Jain Sädhus and Sadhvis after receiving the Diksha (initiation) do not cut their hair or shave their heads; nor do they get these things done by a barber. But twice a year or at least once a year at the time of Paryushan, they pluck off their hairs or they get the hairs plucked by others. This is called Keshlochan or Loch. This way they are not dependent on others to carry out their needs. It is also considered as one kind of austerity where one bares the pain of plucking of the hairs calmly.
Clothing: They always wear un-stitched or minimally stitched white clothes. Some Jain sadhus do not wear the clothes. A loin cloth which reaches up to the shins is called a Cholapattak. Another cloth to cover the upper part of the body is called Pangarani (Uttariya Vastra). A cloth that passes over the left shoulder and covers the body up to a little above the ankle is called a Kämli. Kämli is a woolen shawl. They also carry a woolen bed sheet and a woolen mat to sit on. Those who wear clothes have a muhapati a square or rectangular piece of cloth of a prescribed measurement either in their hand or tied on their face covering the mouth. They also have Ogho or Rajoharan (a broom of woolen threads) to clean insects around their sitting place or while they are walking. Sadhus who do not wear any clothes have morpichhi and kamandal in their hands. These are the articles by which they can be distinguished. This practice may vary among different sects of Jains but essential principle remains the same to limit needs.
They bestow their blessings on all, uttering the words Dharm Labh (may you attain spiritual prosperity). They bless everyone alike irrespective of their caste, creed. sex, age, wealth, poverty, high, or low social status. Some put Vakshep (scented sandal dust) on the heads of people. Monks and nuns show the path of wholesome life and of a righteous and disciplined life to every one through the media of discussions, discourses, seminars and camps to attain spiritual prosperity.
The entire life of sadhus/sadhvis is directed towards the welfare of their souls. All the activities of their life have only one aim, namely, self-purification for self- realization. For the attainment of this objective, besides following laid down guidelines they perform the pratikraman daily, and perform other austerities.
Conferring a title:
The Jain sadhus, after being initiated that is, after receiving the diksha become immersed in such activities as meditation, seeking knowledge, acquiring self-discipline etc. Proceeding on the path of spiritual endeavor, when they reach a higher level of attainment, their spiritual elders, for the preservation of the four-fold Jain Sangh, confer upon them some special titles.
The Title of Acharya: This title is considered to be very high and involves a great responsibility. The entire responsibility of the Jain Sangh rests on the shoulders of the acharya. Before attaining this title, one has to make an in-depth study and a thorough exploration of the Jain Agams and attain mastery of them. One must also study the various languages of the surrounding territory and have acquired a through knowledge of all the philosophies of the world related to different ideologies and religions.
The Title of Upadhyay: This title is given to a sadhu who teaches all the sadhus and sadhvis, and has acquired a specialized knowledge of the Agams (Scriptures).
The Title of Panyas and Gani: To secure this title, one should have acquired an in-depth knowledge of all the Jain agams. To attain the status of Ganipad one should have a knowledge of the Bhagawati Sutra and to attain the Panyas-pad one should have attained a comprehensive knowledge of all the aspects of the agams.
The Jain sadhus, on account of the mode of their life, are unique among all the monks. The entire life of Sadhus and Sadhvis is dedicated to spiritual welfare of their souls; all their objectives, and all their activities are directed towards elevating their souls to the Paramatma-dasha, the state of the Supreme Soul.

Friday 27 January 2012

Mahudi Jain Temple

This derasar, considered to be one of the most sacred Jain pilgrimages, is situated in Mahudi, Mehsana District, and spreads over an area of 2 square kilometers. In ancient times, the place was known as Madhumati. The idols and artistic remains recovered from the ground show that the history of this place is nearly 2000 years old, based on the inscriptions in Brahmi script. Acharyadev Buddhi Sagarsurisvarji was inspired in a dream to install the idol of Ghantakarna Mahavir Dev in 1923 A.D. This idol is considered to have miraculous powers. Thousands of Jain devotees, as well as devotees from other backgrounds, come to receive blessings from this idol. 

Ghantakarna Mahavir was a Kshatriya (warrior) king named Tungabhadra in his previous birth and considered to be the protector of the less fortunate. So even today his idol carries his weapons a bow and arrow. It is always said that in his previous birth he was very fond of sukhadi, and so there is a tradition of all visitors offering sukhadi to him during the prayer. However, it is believed that the sukhadi should be consumed or donated before leaving the premises, otherwise it might bring bad luck. 

Next to this shrine is a bell on a height of about 30 feet and devotees climb up to ring it and ask for the fulfillment of a wish. In this vicinity there is another larger temple with a 22-inch marble idol of Bhagawan Padmaprabhu sitting in padmasana (lotus) posture, installed by Acharyadev. It is customary to take a bhoomti (circumambulation) around the 24 shrines of the tirthankaras here. The nearest railway station of Vijapur is 10 kms away. There are good bus facilities to get to Mahudi from Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar and Kalol. 


Shri Ghantakarna Astha Mandal has built very modern Atithi Bhavan (Guest House) for Yatriks.
Atithi Bhavan has 36 spacious A.C. And Non A.C. rooms with hot and cold shower baths and European style toilets, 2 big halls, Kitchen and large dining Hall. Big garden with party plot is also available for any function. Parking plot is big enough to accommodate many number of vehicles. There is one nice temple of shri Ghantakarna Dev in the premises of Atithi Bhavan. For continuous water supply a overhead tank of enough capacity has been erected. Atithi Bhavan has its own Generator in case of Electric Failure. 200 to 250 Yatrik can easily be accommodated. The well trained and courteous staff is always ready with smiling face under supervision of Shri Kanu bhai Gameti. Shri Kanubhai is manager and he truly manages Atithi Bhavan very efficiently. 
Any organisation can arrange seminars, or marriages can be arranged in this well planned and equipped Atithi Bhavan. 


By road: Gujarat has one of the better developed road networks in India. Ahmedabad is well connected with all major cities and towns by road. Prominent bus stops are located at Gitamandir near Kalupur Railway Station and Paldi. Regular bus services are available by Gujarat state transport buses and private operators to all the major destinations of the state.

By rail: The main railway station is located in Kalupur area. This station falls under the prominent national railway circuit and is connected to all major cities of India. If you are on the western side of the Sabarmati river, then you can go to the Gandhigram station near Ashram road to buy your railway tickets easily.

By air: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel airport at Ahmedabad is an international airport with direct flights to USA, UK, Singapore, Dubai and other international hubs.  Numerous domestic flights are also operational from here.

Thursday 26 January 2012


About Shatrunjaya Teerth :
Shri Shatrunjaya Giri, Palitana is an ancient famous place of salvation, from where three Pandavas Yudhishthir, Bheem & Arjun got Nirvana (Attain full & final liberation from world). This is a sacred place from where 8 crores of Dravida Kings attained salvation by accepting penance for self-purification, thus vanishing Ashta Karma. This Siddha Kshetra is described in ancient Prakrit & Sansakrit texts.

Shatrunjaya Teerth is very important Kshetra among-Shwetambara Jains. This is the only Teerth, where 3500 temples are built by Shwetambers. So many temples out of them are fine specimens of art.

Among these temples, like the moon among, stars in the sky. There is an ancient Digamber Jain temple standing high situated within a rampart.
Main Temple & Idol :
The Digamber Jain temple on Shatrunjaya Teerth is an ancient temple, has 9 shrines with various Teerthankaras idols installed.

On the main shrine of temple, the magnificent idol of principal deity 1008 Bhagwan Shantinath is installed, this is 42 inch in height; in Padmasana posture made of white stone & was installed in V.S. 1686. According to the inscription on idol, a famous businessman of Ahmedabad installed this.

Shri Ratnashi Dungarshi & Family of Hummad Cast in the period of Mughal emperor Shahjahan on 5th day of Vaishakha Shukla V.S. 1686 installation ceremony was headed by Bhattaraka Padmanandi.

In this temple, beautiful standing idols of Yudhishthir, Bheem & Arjun are also installed in V.S. 2025, these three Pandavas attained salvation from here.
Two another idols of Bhagwan Parshvanath each 24 inch in height in Padmasana posture are installed here, one is called Chintamani Parshvanath and other is called Vighnaharan Parshvanath. Both were installed in V.S. 1734.

On the both sides of northern gate of temple foot images of Bhagwan Adinath & Bhagwan Sambhavanath are installed. On the inner shrine with attractive spires, there are three foot images of three Pandavas are also installed.
Temple Timings :
Other Temple :
In Palitana city at Mandavi Chawk, there is a beautiful magnificent temple of Digamber Jains, with sky-high attractive spires. This was constructed in V.S. 1948 and installation ceremony of this temple was organized in V.S. 1951 by Seth Shri Haribhai Deokaran & Seth Shri Motichand Padamchand of Solapur under the headship of Bhattaraka Kanak Keerti.

Sabha Mandap of the temple is very beautiful. Metallic idol of principal deity Bhagwan Shantinath is very attractive, 30 inch in height in Padmasana posture is installed on the main shrine of this temple. Another idols on this shrine are Bhagwan Adinath & Bhagwan Chandraprabhu each 26 inch in height and Bhagwan Arahnath & Bhagwan Ajitnath each 20 inch in height in Padmasana posture. Other small metallic idols of various Teerthankaras are also installed here.
Natural Scenario :
Siddha Kshetra Shri Shatrunjaya Teerth is situated on a hill, which is decorated by 3500 temples. Spires of the temples attract pilgrims from a far distance.
Facilities :
In Palitana city, at Bhairav Pura, a vast Digamber Jain Dharmashala exists with full modern facilities built in V.S. 1951. This has 40 rooms with capacity of 150 pilgrims at a time and is near the market.

Dharmashala is simply 100 meters ahead of Palitana bus stand and railway station is about 1.5 km from Dharmashala.
Means of approach :
Road – Buses are available from Ahmedabad, Ghogha, Junagarh, Bhavnagar, Mehsana, Surat etc.
Train – Trains are available from Ahmedabad, Shihore, Surendranagar, Mehsana etc.
Airport – Ahmedabad
Nearby Places :
Songarh 24 km
Ghogha 60 km
Girnar 170 km

Address :
Shri Shatrunjaya Digamber Jain Dharmshala
Bhairav Pura, Place & Post – Palitana, District – Bhav Nagar (Gujarat) Pin – 364270
Phone 02848-252542
Management Committee :
Shri Shatrunjaya Digamber Jain Dharmshala
Bhairav Pura, Place & Post – Palitana, District – Bhav Nagar (Gujrat) Pin – 364270
Phone 02848-252542

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Jain Tirth - Sammed Shikharji

About Sammed Shikharji
(Importance / Greatness of Sammed Shikharji Kshetra) :
Shri Sammed Shikharji Teerth Kshetra has the top rank among all the Digambar Jain Teerth Kshetras, being the salvation place of 20 Teerthankaras and large number of saints. So this is called Teerthraj (King of Teerths)
Since very ancient time it is a belief that Sammed Shikhar and Ayodhya are two main Teerth Kshetras, existence if these two is parallel to the existence of Universe, means immortal. All the Teerthankaras born at Ayodhya and attain salvation from Sammed Shikhar. But due the effect of Hundavsartpiniee Kaal, there was the birth of only five Teerthankaras at Ayodhya and salvation if 20 Teerthankaras from Sammed Shikharji. In addition, infinite number ascetic saints/munies also attained salvation from here by practicing deep penance and meditation. In ancient texts number of munies attaining salvation from the particular places of Teerthankara’s salvation is being described which is in millions and billions.
This is the only reason that when a devotee starts pilgrimage for Sammed Shikharji, his heart and mind gets filled with great enthusiasm, joy and ingenuous devotion towards Teerthankaras.
Impact of pilgrimage of infinite ascetic’s salvation places is such that an ocean of devotion evades in the heart of pilgrims. Pandit Dhyanatraiji has written in his ‘Pooja’ (Poem of worship) if one goes for adoration of Sammed Shikharji once in his life, he does not go in lives of animal and in the hell.
According to ethics if a person adorates Sammed Shikharji engaging his full mind and heart (i.e. with full devotion), he attains salvation in maximum 49 lives of his near future and thus he gets free from worldly affairs, affection and aversion. This all happens by thinking about the work of Teerthankaras their life free from worldly affairs, their penance and meditation, by thinking about the preaches they delivered in Samavsharan and ultimately applying their education and principles in ones life by accepting ascetism.
This way this Kshetra is highly sacred. Due to sacredness, so many cruel animals living here in the forest like lion tiger etc., never harm to pilgrims even while coming in front of each other. The absence of natural cruel in the heart of violent animals and fearlessness in the mind of pilgrims, is due to the effect of this great Teerth.
This is the only the efficacy of Sammed Shikharji that from the ancient times so many Kings, Acharyas, Bhuttarakas and Shravakas came here with vast groups of devotees for pilgrimage with the purpose of self welfare and due to the devotion towards Teerthankaras and ascetic saints who attained salvation from here.

Description in Ethics: According to Jain Texts Ist Teerthankara Bhagwan Adinath (Rishabhdev) attained salvation from Kailash Parvat, 12th Teerthankaras Bhagwan Vasupujya from Champapuri, 22nd Teerthankara Bhagwan Neminath from Girnar Parvat, and last 24th Teerthankara Bhagwan Mahaveer from Pavapuri, remaining twenty (20) Teerthankaras attained salvation from Sammed Shikharji.
During 13th Century, great ascetic scholar ‘Yati Madan Kirti’ writes in ‘Shasan Chatustrinshatika’. According to this poem - Saudharma Indra here installed the idols of 20 Teerthankaras, nimbus of idols is incomparable being equivalent to their size, at that Sammed Shikhar tree, vigorous persons reach there through stairs and due to good luck they worship those idols, no other person is able to reach there. This Digambar Dharma is immortal i.e. existing here continuously.
In the famous text ‘Tiloypannatti:’ Acharya Yativrishabha has described in full about 20 Teerthankara’s salvation, that’s translation is given below -

(1) 2nd Teerthankara Shri Ajitnath Jinendra (Bhagwan) attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Chaitra Shukla – 5 during Nakshatra (Constellation) “Bharani’, before noon with one thousand munies. That particular place was named ‘Siddhavar Koot’.

(2) 3rd Teerthankara Shri Sambhavnath Swami attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Chaitra Shukla – 6 during the presence of his Janma Nakshatra (Constellation at the time of Birth) afternoon with one thousand munies. That particular place was named ‘Dhaval Koot’.

(3) 4th Teerthankara Shri Abhinandannath attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Vaishakh Shukla – 7 during the presence of his Janma Nakshatra before noon with one thousand munies. That particular place was named ‘Anand Koot’.

(4) 5th Teerthankara Shri Sumatinath Swami attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Chaitra Shukla – 10 during the presence of his Janma Nakshatra (Constellation) before noon with one thousand munies. That particular place was named ‘Avichal Koot’.

(5) 6th Teerthankara Shri Padamprabh attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Falgun Krishna - 4 afternoon during the presence of his Janma Nakshatra with 324 munies. That particular place was named ‘Mohan Koot’.

(6) 7th Teerthankara Shri Suparshva Jinendra (Bhagwan) attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Falgun Krishna – 6 before noon during the presence of his Anuradha Nakshatra with 500 munies. That particular place was named ‘Prabhas Koot’.

(7) 8th Teerthankara Shri Chandraprabhu Jinendra attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Bhadrapad Shukla – 7 during the presence of his Jyeshtha Nakshatra before noon with one thousand munies. That particular place was named ‘Lalit Koot’.

(8) 9th Teerthankara Shri Pushpadanta Bhagwan attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Ashwin Shukla – 8 afternoon during the presence of his Janma Nakshatra with one thousand munies. That particular place was named ‘Suprabh Koot’.

(9) 10th Teerthankara Shri Sheetalnath attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Kartik Shukla - 5 before noon during the presence of his Janma Nakshatra with one thousand munies. That particular place was named ‘Vidhyutprabh Koot’.

(10) 11th Teerthankara Shri Shreyansnath attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Shravan Shukla – 15 before noon during the presence of his Janma Nakshatra with one thousand munies. That particular place was named ‘Sankul Koot’.

(11) 13th Teerthankara Shri Vimalnath Swami attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Asharh Shukla – 8 in the evening during the presence of his Janma Nakshatra with 600 munies. That particular place was named ‘Suveer Koot’.

(12) 14th Teerthankara Shri Anantnath Bhagwan attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Chaitra Krishna – 15 in the evening during the presence of his Janma Nakshatra with 7000 munies. That particular place was named ‘Swayamprabhu Koot’.

(13) 15th Teerthankara Shri Dharamnath Jinendra attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Jyeshtha Krishna – 14 in the evening during the presence of his Janma Nakshatra with 800 munies. That particular place was named ‘Sudattawar Koot’.

(14) 16th Teerthankara Shri Shantinath Teerthankara attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Jyeshtha Krishna – 14 in the evening during the presence of his Janma Nakshatra with 900 munies. That particular place was named ‘Kundprabh Koot’ (Prabhas and Shanti Prabhu).

(15) 17th Teerthankara Shri Kunthu Jina attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Vaishakh Shukla – 1 in the evening during the presence of his Janma Nakshatra with 1000 munies. That particular place was named ‘Gyandhara Koot’.

(16) 18th Teerthankara Shri Arahnath Bhagwan attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Chaitra Krishna – 15 in the evening during the presence of his Janma Nakshatra with 1000 munies. That particular place was named ‘Natak Koot’.

(17) 19th Teerthankara Shri Mallinath Teerthankara attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Falgun Krishna – 5 in the evening during the presence of Bharni Nakshatra with 500 munies. That particular place was named ‘Sambal Koot’.

(18) 20th Teerthankara Shri Munisuvratnath Swami attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Falgun Krishna – 12 in the evening during the presence of Janma Nakshatra with 1000 munies. That particular place was named ‘Nirjar Koot’.

(19) 21st Teerthankara Shri Naminath Swami attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Vaishakh Krishna – 14 in the morning during the presence of Janma Nakshatra with 1000 munies. That particular place was named ‘Mitradhar Koot’.

(20) 23rd Teerthankara Shri Parshvanath Jinendra attained salvation from Sammed Shikhar on the day of Shravan Shukla – 7 in the evening during the presence of Janma Nakshatra with 36 munies. That particular place was named ‘Suvarnabhadra Koot’.

For the information of viewers, details of Teerthankaras attaining salvation from places other than Sammed Shikher is given below: -

(1) First Teerthankara Bhagwan Rishabdev attained salvation from Kailash Parvat on the day of Magha Krishna – 14 in the before noon during the presence of Uttarasharh Nakshatra.

(2) 12th Teerthankara Bhagwan Vasupoojya attained salvation from Champasal Van (forest) of Champapuri on the day of Bhadrapad Shukla – 14 in the afternoon during the presence of Ashvini Nakshatra.

(3) 22th Teerthankara Bhagwan Neminath attained salvation from Girnar Parvat (Urjayant giri) on the day of Asharh Shukla – 7 in the evening during the presence of Chitra Nakshatra.

(4) 24th, the last Teerthankara Mahaveer Swami attained salvation from Padma Sarovar of Pavapuri on the day of Kartik Shukla – 15 in the morning during the presence of Swati Nakshatra.
In this way the Teerthraj Sammed Shikhar is the extremely sacred and immortal Kshetra being the salvation place of 20 Teerthankaras and infinite number of ascetic munies.
Eesari - Eesari is a place about 200 meters ahead of Parasnath Railway Station, lying on Delhi - Kolkata line. One should reach Parasnath Station by train and then to Eesari for night halt. There are two dharamshalas at Eesari, one Terapanthi and another Beespanthi dharamshala.
After the stay at Eesari, next day in the morning buses are available for Sammed Shikharji, run by Teerth Kshtra Committee.
At Eesary huge and magnificent temples decorated with artful spires are existing, constructed within dharamshalas.

In the temple of Terapanthi Kothi, 3 ft. high padmasana white idol of principal deity Bhagwan Chandraprabhu is installed with many other beautiful idols. In the back of main shrine a magnificent idol of Bhagwan Mahaveer in padmasana posture, red in color, is installed.

In Beespanthi Kothi, principal deity Bhagwan Parshavanth’s black color idol is installed in the temple. In another temple left to this, a man size idol of Muniraj Jaisen exists and near to this temple, foot images are also installed under an umbrella.

In the street between both Kothies, Shri Parshvanth Digambar Jain Shanti Niketan Udaseenashrama exists, established by Poojya Kshullak Ganesh Prasadji Varni. Many celibates, ascetic persons (male or female) live here for self - welfare and spiritual achievements. Male and female live in separate portions. A literary and study room is also here. In the ground of this Udaseenashrama Poojya Varniji’s Samadhi Stoopa is constructed, on which introduction of Varniji’s life and their preaches are carved. This Stoopa is very attractive and artistic. A mess is also available for residents i.e. for devotees. A magnificent temple also exists here called Parshvanath Jinalaya, in the sanctum. Bhagwan Parshvanth’s beautiful idol is installed as principal deity.

From the side of this temple, a path reaches to Mumukshu Mahilashrama, female devotees live here, a temple also exists here. In this temple a magnificent and attractive Bhagwan Parshvanath’s black idol in padmasana posture, 4 ½ ft in height is installed in a beautiful alter.

Madhuvana (Sammed Shikharji)

At a distance of 23 Kms from Eesari, there exists great Sammed Shikhar Teerth Kshetra. At Eesari busses and taxies are available for Sammed Shikhar, arranged by Kshetra Committees.

At Sammed Shikharji, there is a range of mountains and this Holi Teerth exists at the north side of mountains. Here two big dharamshalas, run by Digambar Jain Samaj are existing called Beespanthi and Terapanthi Kothi. Between these two, a Shwetambar Jain Kothi exists, popular as ‘Manjhali Kothi’.

Beespanthi Kothi

Among these three Kothies, Beespanthi Kothi is oldest. This Kothi was established to facilitate the pilgrims coming to Sammed Shikharji about 400 years ago. This was under the control of Gwalior’s Bhattarakji. Bhattarak Shri Mahendra Bhooshan established here a Kothi and a Dharamshala. Bhagwan Parshvanath’s beautiful idol was installed in the temple. Two generous persons of samaj constructed here two temples. At present this Kothi is working under control of Bharatvarshiya Digambar Jain Teerth Kshetra Committee.

There are three compounds and eight magnificent temples decorated with sky - high artful spires, where Bhagwan Parshvanath, Pushpadanta, Adinath’s idol are installed as principal deity with many other beautiful idols.

There is a huge dharamshala in this Kothi behind which in the garden two temples exist there.

In front of Kothi, on a hillock, a magnificent huge temple exists, where a 25 ft high standing colossus of Bhagwan Bahubali is present in the centre of ground. There are 24 temples constructed in all directions with idols of 24 Teerthankaras. In the right and left side of this Bahubali Jinalaya, two magnificent temples of Bhagwan Gautam Swami and Parshvanath’s Jinalayas are existing, and a 51 ft high Manastambha (Column of dignity) is standing really agreeable.

Above the Bhahubali Tekari there is construction of artistic Samavsharan Mandir. In this temple, there is a hall of 70 x 72 ft in the centre of this hall, a very attractive creation of Samavsharan exists which is pleasing to eyes, worth being seen.

Terapanthi Kothi

In this Kothi there are five compounds and five Dharamshalas and so many gateways. In the second compound of Dharamshala a huge and magnificent temple ‘Chandraprabhu Jinalaya’ is existing, which was constructed by Lala Sohan Lalji Kolkatawala. Sanctum of this temple is based on four pillars, spacious and artistic, art of sanctum shows the proficiency of artists. In the centre of sanctum, in a high and beautiful alter Bhagwan Chandraprabhu’s magnificent white padmasana idol, about 5 ft in height is installed as principal deity. There is a Sabhamandapa ahead of Sanctum and a compound surrounding the temple. There are three gateways in three directions of the temple to enter. These gateways are similar to Sanchi’s gateways. A beautiful flower garden is developed around the temple.

Moving ahead of this Jinalaya and coming out from Sultan Singh Dwar (Gate), there comes Katak Mandir. This has four alters with beautiful idols installed in them. Versified moral sentences, hymns and prayers are written everywhere in this temple. In the third compound, a 51 ft high, Manastambha a beautiful creation made of marble is standing on a three - stepped high platform. Under the umbrella on the top of Manastambha four idols 17” in height are installed, each in one direction.

In the same way, on the platform, in four little alters four attractive white idols of Bhagwan Chandraprabhu are installed. In the night, due to light decoration, glamour of this Manastambha gets many folded.

In the same compound , there exists main temple in right side with 13 alters each alter is a separate temple with a beautiful spire. Details are as below: -

1. Shri Shantinath Jinalaya – 15 inch high attractive idol of Bhagwan Shantinath is installed here with other idols as principal deity. Two one feet high Manastambhas are also here made of brass, idols are carved on these Manastambhas too.

2. Shri Samavsharan Mandir - This is a beautiful temple with four 10” high Bhagwan Parshvanath’s idols installed as principal deity in Gandha Kuti, which is constructed over a three layer platform.

3. Shri Neminath Chaityalaya – Here a Bhagwan Neminath’s 3 ft high black idol in padmasana posture is installed.

4. Shri Pushpadanta Jinalaya - This is treated as main temple, gates of this temple are made of silver. Here Bhagwan Pushpadanta’s white magnificent idol in padmasana posture, 3’3” in height is installed as principal deity. Other metallic and stone idols are also present here which are worth being seen.

5. Ajitnath Temple – In this temple a 2 ft high padmasana idol of Bhagwan Ajitnath is installed as principal deity.

6. Parshvanath Mandir - Sanctum of this temple consists three arches, pillars of the sanctum are artistic. In the central alter Chinatmani Parshvanath’s black color idol in padmasana posture, 6ft in height is installed. The idol is highly attractive magnificent. In the left alter Bhagwan Shreyansnath and in the alter of right side Bhagwan Chandraprabhu are installed as principal deity with other attractive idols.

7. Pravesh Mandapa – At this place, an octagonal Mandapa exists. In this Mandapa, and four platforms, 52 Jinalayas and an attractive artful creation of Panchameru is existing. This creation is wonderful and pleasing to eyes. In each direction there exists 13 Jinalayas. Among them 8 are Ratikar, one Anjangiri and 4 are Dadhimukh jinalayas. In Panchmeru temples total idols are 80 in numbers.

8. Shantinath Jinalaya – In the right of main temple, this temple exists, where principal deity Bhagwan Shantinath’s 3 ft high white padmasana idol is installed with many other beautiful idols.

9. Neminath Jinalaya - In this temple Bhagwan Neminath’s beautiful black padmasana idol is installed as principal deity.

10. Ahead of this temple there exists a big library called Saraswati Bhawan.

11. Chandraprabhu Jinalaya - This is a Samavsharana Mandir where 1 ft high idol of Bhagwan Chandraprabhu is installed as principal deity.

12. Mahaveer Jinalaya – In this temple, a 7½ ft high standing idol of Bhagwan Mahaveer is installed, which is very attractive and magnificent. In the three sides of this temple 24 idols of 24 Teerthankaras equal in size are installed beside the walls.

13. Shastrakoot Chaityalaya – This is beautiful and agreeable Chaityalaya made of marble, 4 ft in height. This is so attractive, rare to find another.
Sammed Shikhar Hill 
History of Tonks –According to ethics Saudharma Indra (King of Heaven –Saudharma) marked the places of Teerthankara’s salvation. On these places beautiful foot images were carved, thus attractive Tonks were constructed. It is said that at the time of King Shrenik of Magadha, these Tonks were in ruined state. Seeing this King Shrenik reconstructed the Tonks in magnificent manner. After a long period those were also destroyed. So many generous persons reconstructed of these Tonks using their money.

Bhattaraka Gyankeerti in his work Yashodhara Charit’ (V.S. 1659) describes about Naanu, the secretary of King Mansigh of Akbarpur near Champanagari. Naanu constructed twenty temples of 20 Teerthankaras attaining salvation from Sammed Shikharji. It was the same as Chakravarti Bharat constructed temples on Ashtapad (Kailash Parvat) being salvation place of Bhagwan Adinath Rishabhdev. Chakravarti Bharat went there for so many times for pilgrimage.

At the time of Yati Madankeerti, there was a pond called Amritvapika, where offering of AshtaDravya was performed for 20 Teerthankara by devotees. That Amritvapika, at present time is called Jal - Mandir.

Later, in year 1678, a great Panch Kalyanaka Pratishtha Mahotsava was organized here by Digambar Jain Samaj. Previously King of Palganj looked after this great Teerth, they were Jain. Now the temple of Palganj is also managed by Sammed Shikhar Kshetra Committee.

Preparing for Pilgrimage
There are two ways for adoration of Sammed Shikhar Hill, one from Neemiaghat and another from the side of Madhuvan. Second is most popular. Distance of total pilgrimage is about 18 miles i.e. 30 Kms, so preparation for pilgrimage is necessary.

For pilgrimage, one must wake up at 2:00 a.m. in night and after getting rid of daily routine, he should start for pilgrimage up to 3:00 a.m. Winter season is most appropriate for this purpose. In summer, due to heat pilgrimage becomes very difficult. In rainy season many types of insects are developed, greenery spreads throughout the path and risk of slipping on rocks/path makes difficult to pilgrimage.

During pilgrimage, one should wear light cloths. Heavy clothing causes uneasiness due to sudation, while returning heat and sunlight becomes intolerable.

One should hire a labor for kids, palanquin for ladies, old and weak persons and other must take a stick. Stick is very helpful during up and down ways. Lantern is very helpful while beginning in the dark of night. All these items are always available at Dharamshala.

While one starts for pilgrimage of Teerthraj Sammed Shikharji, not only the cleanliness of body and cloths is necessary but eternal sacredness the purity of mind, heart and speech is also necessary.

During adoration of Teerth, pilgrims must recite poems of worship (Pooja), hymn, Namokar Mantra etc. or have discussions about the path of salvation, preaches of Teerthankaras or about basic principals/fundamentals of Moksha Marg.

In this way enjoying the natural scenery, religious faith and enthusiasm, pilgrimage of Sammed Shikhar is completed. This is only the effect/miracle of Teerths that a such long journey on foot gets completed so easily without feeling tiredness.

Ahead of Beespanthi Kothi, pilgrimage of Shikarji starts. At a distance of 200 meters from Dharamshala, rising on hill starts. At a distance of 3 kms from here, there comes Gandharva - Nala, here a Dharamshala is managed by Beespanthi Kothi, where facilities are available for natural human necessities i.e. urinal etc. Next to this place these are all prohibited on sacred hill to maintain the holiness of Teerth Kshetra. At the time of returning from hill, breakfast or refreshment is made available in this Dharamshala by Teerth Kshetra Committee. At a little distance from Gandharva - Nala, a footpath goes to Seeta Nala and another towards Parshvanath Tonk. Going to left, one reaches to Seeta Nala, here offerings for worship one must be washed and prepared and also filtered water must be taken for consecration. Tough rising on hill starts from here.

Teerth Darshan

First of all there comes Tonk of Gautam Swami after ascending some distance on hill, here a room is existing which comes in use of pilgrims for rest. In the left of Gautam Swami Tonk, there are fifteen Tombs for adoration. These Tonks are called Koot also. At Tonks foot images of Teerthankaras are installed. According to inscriptions on foot images, these all were reverenced in V.S. 1825. Details of these Tonks (Koots) are given below -

1. Gautam Swami Tonk - There are 32 images of white marble are installed in an alter. Out of alter a foot pair of black stone are present.

2. Kunthunath Tonk (Gyandhar Koot) - a pair of black foot images is installed here with a length of 5 inch. An inscription of V.S. 1825 is available here. Near to this foot images of Sudharma Swami, Chandranan Tonk & Rishabhanan Tonk are present, recently constructed by Shwetambar Jains.

3. Naminath Tonk - A pair of foot images of black stone about 6 inches in length (12 fingers are present here with an inscription of V.S. 1825. At a little distance from here, foot images of Shree Veerbhadra. The Ganadhara of Bhagwan Parshvnath are present, length is 14 fingers (about 7 inches)

4. Arahnath Tonk (Natak Koot) - Foot images of black stone 10 fingers in length (about 5 inch) inscription of V.S. 1825.

5. Mallinath Tonk (Sambal Koot) - Foot images of black stone 10 fingers in length (about 5 inch) inscription of V.S. 1825.

6. Shreyansnath Tonk (Sankul Koot) - Foot images of black stone, length 7½ inch, inscription of V.S. 1825.

7. Suvnidhinath (Pushpadanta) Tonk (Suprabh Koot) - White stone, foot images of 7½ length, inscription of V.S. 1825.

8. Padmaprabh Tonk (Mohan Koot) - Foot images of black stone, length 7½ inch, inscription of V.S. 1825.

9. Munisuvratnath Tonk - (Nirjar Koot) - Black foot images of 7½ inch length, inscription of V.S. 1825.

10. Chandraprabh Tonk (Lalit Koot) - This Tonk is at a large distance from 9th Tonk and is the highest. Here foot images of black stone, 7½ in length, inscription of V.S. 1825.

11. Adinath Tonk - While one returns from the same way towards Jal - Mandir, this Tonk comes. Here foot images of white stone, 7½ inch in length are installed, inscription of V.S. 1825.

12. Sheetalnath Tonk (Vidyut Koot) - There are two Tonks each of Bhagwan Sheetalnath at a short distance to each other, foot images of black stone having length of 7½ inch are installed on both places inscription of V.S. 1825 is also same on both Tonks.

13. Sambhavnath Tonk (Dhaval Koot) - Foot images of white stone, length 7½ inch, inscription of V.S. 1825.

14. Vasupoojya Tonk - here five foot image of white stone with a length of 7 inch are installed inscription of V.S. 1926

15. Abhinandan Nath Tonk (Aanand Koot) - Foot images of black stone, length 7½ inch, inscription of V.S. 1825.

From Abhinandan Nath Tonk, descending on hill, we reach to Jal - Mandir, here a huge temple is existing. In previous, this was Digambar Jain Mandir, but at present this is under the management of Shwetambar Jain. They have also constructed two Dharamashalas here.

From Jal - Madir we again reach to Gautam Swami Tonk, from where ways are available in all directions, in left to Kunthunath Tonk, in right to Parshvanth Tonk, in front to Jal - Mandir, and in back to Madhuvan. So pilgrims must move towards west direction for adoration of nine Tonks. Details of these Tonks is as under -

1. Dharamanath Tonk (Sudatlavar Koot) - A pair of foot images of black stone, 7½ inch in length are installed here. An inscription of V.S. 1825 is available here.

2. Sumatinath Tonk (Avichal Koot) - A pair of foot images of black stone, 7½ inch in length are installed here. An inscription of V.S. 1825 is available here

3. Shantinath Tonk (Shantiprabh Koot) - A pair of foot images of black stone, 7½ inch in length are installed here. An inscription of V.S. 1825 is available here

4. Mahaveer Swami Tonk - A pair of foot images of white stone, 7½ inch in length are installed here. An inscription of V.S. 1825 is available here.

5. Suparshvanath Tonk (Prabhas Koot) - A pair of foot images of black stone, 7½ inch in length are installed here. An inscription of V.S. 1825 is available here

6. Vimalnath Tonk (Suveer Koot) - A pair of foot images of black stone, 7½ inch in length are installed here. An inscription of V.S. 1825 is available here

7. Ajitnath Tonk (Siddhavar koot)- A pair of foot images of white stone, 7½ inch in length are installed here. An inscription of V.S. 1825 is available here.

8. Naminath Tonk (Mitradhar Koot) - Here 3 pairs of white foot images are installed length in 6 fingers (3 inches).

9. Parshvanath Tonk (Suwarnabhadra Koot) - This is the last and main Tonk of this side, where a beautiful temple has been constructed with a mandapa and sanctum. In sanctum, on an alter foot images of Bhagwan Parshvanth are installed, these are black in color, 9 fingers (4.5 inch approx.) in length having an inscription of V.S. 1949.

Bhagwan Parshvanath‘s Tonk is the highest among these Tonks. While one sees all around standing from here the scene is highly agreeable, can’t be expressed in words, heart gets filled with joy and cheer.

From here Ajay River in north and Damodar River in South may be seen. In such delightful natural scenery mind automatically gets expressed in meditation worship and hymn. After reaching here all pilgrims do worship of Teerthankaras.

Returning from adoration of hill
At the return journey from Parshvanath Tonk, it is very easy due to descendence and ways are in good condition, this time stick is very helpful. Below, at some distance near Gandharva Nala, refreshment is made available by Beespanthi and Terapanthi Kothi here. After taking some refreshment, one must return to his Dharamshala. Maximum of pilgrims do adoration of Shikharji three times, some of them also have a round of hill that is about 30 miles.

Chopada Kund, Digambar Jain Mandir and Dharamshala 

On hill at Sammed Shikharji a magnificent temple and vast Dharamshala has been developed by Shri Digambar Jain Sammedachal Vikas Committee (established in Year 1992)

In the temple attractive idols of Bhagwan Parshvanath, Chandraprabh & Bhagwan Bahubali are installed.
Temple Kind of & Timings :
Digambar & Shwetambar, Any time
Other Temples :
Magnificent and attractive temples decorated with sky high spires existing in Terapanthi Kothi and Beespanthi Kothi have been described above.
Shri Tees Chaubeesee Temple
Shri Samavsharan Temple
Shri Chaubees Tonk Bahubali Temple
Shri Madhya Lok Temple 06558-232257
Shri Tyagi Vrati Ashram
Shri Triyog Ashram 06558-232252
Shri Sanmati Sadhana Sadan
Shri Trimurti Temple
Shri Digamber Jain Museum
Shri Adinda Parshvanath Temple 06558-232215
Shri Adinath Kanch Temple 06558-232291
Shri Sheetalnath Temple 06558-232215
Shri Parshvanath Temple, U.P. Prakash Bhawan 06558-232366/67/71
Shri Pawandham Temple
Shri Dig. Mahaveer Swami Temple
Natural Scenerio :
This great Teerth Kshetra Shri Sammed Shikharji situated in between the natural scenery of hills. The series of attractive sky high temples present an eye pleasing attractive scene existing between hills with natural greenery and pollution free environment. This is the unique place for spiritual development, eternal peace, steadiness of mind and meditation.
Facilities :
(i) Beespanthi Kothi - There are facilities for about more than 2000 pilgrims. Rooms, Halls and flats well equipped with all necessary facilities are available here as per desire of pilgrims.
br> (ii) Terapanthi Kothi - This Kothi has the capacity to facilitate about 3000 Pilgrims.

Many other Dharmashala, Guest House are available under other organizations.
Bed, food and utensils are available at all three places.
Others - NA